English |
How to say it |
Phonetics |
Sah-LOO-dos |
Hello |
Hola |
OH-la |
Good day |
Buenos dias |
BWAY-nos DEE-ahs |
Good afternoon |
Buenas tardes |
BWAY-nos TAR-dehs |
Good night |
Buenas Noches |
BWAY-nos Noh-chess |
Good bye |
Hasta Luego |
AH-sta Loo-AY-go |
Have a great day |
Tenga un buen dia |
TENG-ga Oon BWEN Dee-ah |
How is it going? |
Cómo te va? |
Koh-moh tay VA |
Een-tro-dook-see-YOHN |
How are you? |
Cómo estas? (informal) Como esta Usted? (formal) |
Koh-moh ay STAHS Koh-moh es tah Ooh-STED |
I am fine |
Bien |
Bee-EN |
And you? |
Y usted |
Ee Ooh-STED |
My name is _ |
Yo me llamo _____ |
Yoh may YAMM-oh ___ |
It is nice to meet you |
Mucho gusto de conocerte |
Moo-choh goo-stoh DEH Konno-SAYR-tay |
See you later |
Hasta luego |
AH-stah Loo-AY-go |
What is your name? |
Cómo te llamas? Cual es tu nombre |
Koh-moh tay YAH-mass QWAL es too NOHM-bray |
KOR-teh-SEE-yah |
Please... |
Por favor |
POHR fah-VOR |
Thank you. |
Gracias |
GRAH-see-us |
You are welcome. |
Bienvenido (M) Bienvenida (F) |
Bee-YEN-ven-NEE-do Bee-YEN-ven-NEE-dah |
I am full |
Estoy lleno (M) Estoy llena (F) |
Ess-TOY ZJEN-noh Ess-TOY ZJEN-nah |
Excuse me |
Disculpe |
Diss-COOL-pay |
Certainly |
Seguramente |
Say-GOO-rah-MEHN-tay |
It is my pleasure. |
Con mucho gusto |
Konn MOO-cho GOO-sto |
Bah-SEE-kohs |
Yes |
Si |
See |
No |
No |
Noh |
Good |
Bien or Bueno |
BeeYEN / booAYno |
Not good. |
Mal or Malo |
Mahl / MAH-lo |
Dee-rek-see-YOHN-nays |
Where is ... |
Donde esta..... |
DOHN-day ay-STAH... |
... restroom? |
..... el baño? |
...ell BAHN-yo |
... store? |
..... la tienda? |
...lah tee-YEN-dah |
... the car? |
....... el carro? |
...ell CAHR-roh |
Please show me _ |
Por favor muestreme_ |
Pohr fah-VOHR moo-ESS-tray-may |
How can I get to _? |
Cómo puedo llegar a....? |
KOH-moh poo-AY-do zjay-GAR ah |
Please take me to _ |
Por favor lleveme a..... |
Pohr fah-VOHR zjay-vay-may ah |
Right / Left |
Izquierda/ Derecha |
ee-skee-YAYR-dah day-RAY-chah |
Ahead, behind |
Adelante/ Atras |
Ah-day-LAHN-tay Ah-TRAHS |
Up, Down |
Arriba/ Abajo |
Ah-REE-bah Ah-BAH-hoh |
North, South, East, West |
Norte, Sur, Este, Oeste |
NOR-tay, Soor, ESS-tay, Oh-ESS-tay |
Kla-ree-fee-kah-see-YOHN |
How do you say ____? |
Cómo se dice_? |
KOH-moh say DEE-say |
What is that? |
Què es eso? |
Kay es AY-soh? |
Please repeat that. |
Puede repetir eso por favor |
Pooh-AY-day RAY-pay-teer AY-so pohr fah-VOHR |
Can you speak ____? |
Puede hablar_? Habla ___? |
Pooh-Ay-deh ah-BLAHR Ah-BLAHR |
A little bit. |
Un poquito |
OHN poh-KEE-toh |
Koh-no-SAYR noo-AY-vos ah-MEE-gos |
May I sit down here? |
Puedo sentarme aqui |
Pooh-AY-doh sen-TAR-may ah-KEY |
You look very nice. |
Estas muy bonita (to F) Luces bien (to M) |
Eh-STAHS moo-EE boh-NEE-tah LOO-sess bee-YEN |
Would you like to go... |
Te gustaria ir..... |
Tay goo-stah-REE-yah eer |
... for a walk? |
.....a caminar? |
..ah kah-mee-NAHR |
....to dinner |
.....a cenar |
...ah senn-NAHR |
... to a movie? |
.... a ver una pelìcula? |
...a vayr OO-nah pay-LEE-koo-lah |
... dance? |
.... a bailar? |
...ah bie-LAR |
Let's go. |
Vamonos |
VAH-moh-nos |
Can you help me? |
Podrìa ayudarme? |
Poh-deh-REE-yah ah-JOO-DAHR-may |
Let me help you. |
Dejeme ayudarle? |
DAY-HAY-may ah-JOO-DAHR-lay |
What is your number? |
Cùal es tu nùmero? |
KWAHL ess too NOO-may-roh |
What is your email address? |
Cùal es tu dirección electronica? |
KWAHL ess too dee-REK-see-yohn ay-lek-TRO-nee-ka |
Eer thay KOHM prahs / SAH LEER |
Where can I find ___? |
Donde puedo encontrar__? |
Dohn-day Pooh-ay-do Ayn-Kohn-TRAHR |
How much is this? |
Cuanto cuesta esto? |
KWAN-toh koo-AYS-stah Ess-TOH |
What is on the menu? |
Cùal es el menu de hoy? |
KWAL ess ell men-OO thay OY |
Where is the men's room? |
Dònde esta el baño de hombres? |
DOHN-day AY-stah ell BAHN-yo thay OHM-brayss |
Where is the ladies' room? |
Dònde esta el baño de mujeres |
DOHN-day AY-stah ell BAHN-yo thay MOO-hay-ress |
Waiter! / Waitress! |
Mesero/ Mesera |
May-SAY-roh / May-SAY-rah |
May I have some more? |
Puedo tener un poquiito mas |
Pooh-AY-doh ten-NAIR oohn poh-KEE-to mahs |
What movie is playing? |
Què pelìculas estan presentando en el cine |
KAY pay-LEE-koo-lahs ehs-TAN pray-sen-TAHN-doh enn ell see-NAY |
Doo-RAHN-TAY lah Koh-MEE-dah |
I am hungry |
Tengo hambre |
Tain-GO AHM-bray |
I am thirsty |
Tengo sed |
Tain-GO SEDD |
Please pass the ...here |
Por favor pase me...la |
Pohr fa-VOHR PAH-say-may ...lah |
... salt, sugar, water, cake |
... la sal, el azucar, el agua, el pastel |
...la SAHL, ell Ah-SOO-kar, ell AH-gwa, ell pah-STELL |
The food tastes good today. |
Hoy la comida esta buena. |
OY lah Koh-MEE-dah ess-tah boo-WEN-ah |
My vata/pita/kapha is |
Mi vata/ pita / Kapha no esta balanceado. |
Mee VAH-ta/ pita/ kapha Noh ess-TAH bah-lahn-see-AH-do |
VEE-dah Ehs-too-DEE-ahn-Teel |
I am a student at MUM |
Soy un estudiante de MUM |
Soy oohn ess-too-dee-YON-thay MUM |
My major is ____ |
Mi carrera es_____ |
Mee cah-RRAY-ra ehs __ |
I have home work to do. |
Tengo que hacer deberes. |
TAYN-goh kay ah-SAYR day-bay-ress |
What are you studying? |
Què estas estudiando? |
Kay eh-STAHS ess-too-dee-YON-doh |
What did you do today? |
Què hicistes hoy? |
Kay ee-SEES-tays OY |
We saw a video. |
Vimos un video. |
VEE-mohs oohn vee-DAY-Oh |
Life is bliss. |
La vida es felicidad |
Lah VEE-dah ess feh-LEE-see-dahd |
Eh-mayr-HEN-see-yah |
We need a doctor! |
Llamen a un doctor! |
JAH-men ah oohn dok-TOOR |
Call an ambulance |
Llamen una ambulancia |
JAH-men oo-nah ahm-boo-lahn-SEE-ah |
Call the Police |
Llamen a la policìa |
JAH-men ah lah poh-LEE-see-yah |
Call the Firemen |
Llamen a los bomberos |
JAH-men ah lohs bom-BAY-rohs |
Ay-LOH-hee-ar |
You are wonderful! |
Eres maravilloso (to M) Eres maravillosa (F) |
AY-rehs ma-ra-vee-JOH-so AY-rehs ma-ra-vee-JOH-sah |
Congratulations! |
Felicitaciones! |
Fay-lee-see-tah-see-OHN-nes |
Good luck! |
Buena Suerte |
BWAY-nah soo-AYR-tay |
I love you. |
Te amo. |
Tay AH-moh |
That is very kind of you. |
Es muy amable de tu parte |
Ehs MOO-wee ah-MAH-blay thay TOO PAHR-tay |
I wish you perfect health |
Deseo que tu salud sea perfecta |
Thay-SAY-oh kay TOO sah-LOOD SAY-ah payr-FEK-tah |
Ell Moh-vee-mee-EHN-toh |
Transcendental Meditation |
Meditación Transcendental |
May-dee-tah-see-YOHN Trahn-sen-den-TAHL |
Age of Enlightenment |
Era de la Iluminación |
AY-rah day lah ee-LOO-mee-nah-see-YOHN |
Support of Natural Law |
Apoyo de la Ley Natural |
Ah-POR-joh thay lah LAY NAH-too-RAHL |
Total Knowledge |
Conocimiento Completo |
Koh-noh-see-mee-YEN-toh Kohm-PLAY-toh |
World Peace |
Paz Mundial |
PAHS moon-dee-YAHL |
The world is my family |
El mundo es mi familia |
Ell MOON-doh ess mee fah-MEE-lee-yah |
Collective Consciousness |
Conciencia Colectiva |
KOHN-see-YEN-see-yah Koh-lek-TEE-vah |
Knowledge is structured in consciousness |
El conocimiento esta estructurado en la conciencia |
Ell Koh-no-see-mee-YEN-toh EHS-tah ess-trook-too-RAH-doh ehn lah kohn-see-YEN-see-yah |
May-dee-tah-see-YOHN |
It is time for meditation. |
Es hora de la meditacion |
Ess-OH-RAH thay la may-dee-tah-see-YOHN |
What time is it? |
Què hora es? |
Kay OH-rah ess |
Please be quiet. |
Haga silencio por favor |
Ah-gah see-LEN-see-yoh pohr fah-VOR |
Did you have a good program? |
Tuviste un buen programa? |
Too-VEE-stay oon bwen pro-GRAM-ah |
It is easy? |
Es fàcil |
Ess FAH-seel |
I am That |
Soy esto |
Soy ess-TOH |
By Linda for Communication-International.com