When you are travelling, you mentioned that a Web based email interface is most convenient, from the nearest cybercafe or library.
When you are in the office, your POP (Post Office Protocol) account which you can "fetch" with your email client (such as Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Messager, Eudora, Quickmail, etc) is most convenient.
Why not have ALL the possibilities?
Here is information about an excellent, dependable email system we have been using, and recommending to clients. It goes along with the Web sites we have set up. Here are some satisfied clients, and how they use the various email features:
Securities. Investment Advisors in Washington DC.http://HeartlandFairfield.com
- Andrew Edlin, Real Estate Brokerhttp://BrainWaveScience.com
- Dr. Larry Farwell's EEG Applications laboratoryhttp://AvonPark.org
Ken Krumpe, Maharishi School, Avon Park, FloridaThey could vouch for how fast we got everything running, the reasonable price, dependability, and 24/7 service. You can find many more examples clients at:
Other features, such as AutoResponders, are described at:
We suggest you upgrade your domain to our servers, and benefit from our local service and full featured email accounts.