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Links to interesting Forensic Services

These sites offer services, software programs and information about recovering deleted data from hard drives.

Remember, Evidence Eliminator™ defeats all known Forensic Analysis software programs!

Warning To All Surfers - Beware suspected FBI front imposter!

CyberScrub / East-Tec Erasor

This "company" has been exposed for spreading blatantly fraudulent and shameful dis-information regarding our wonderful Evidence Eliminator™ software. For your complete breakdown of their false statements about Evidence Eliminator™ please visit our Dis-Information Center

New Technologies, Inc

"....NTI specializes in finding 'computer secrets'....."

Take a peek at some of the tools your boss, or law-enforcement, may use to analyze your PC out-of-hours if you haven't got Evidence Eliminator™

Intelligent Forensic Filter

"....artificial intelligence to identify fragments of word processing communications, fragments of E-mail communications, fragments of Internet chat room communications, fragments of Internet news group posts...."

Net Threat Analyzer

" artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic to identify patterns of text that may be tied to Internet transactions and/or file downloads from the Internet.... covertly determine past Internet activities on a subject computer...."

GetSlack - Forensic Data Capture

"....From an investigative standpoint, file slack is a target rich environment to find leads and evidence. File slack can contain leads and evidence...."

US Government IRS Investigations

"....The CIS retrieves and analyzes computer evidence and provides computer expertise while ensuring the protection and preservation of electronic data found in computers during an investigation. The CIS can find things on computers that you didn’t even know existed!...."

Data Discovery

"'s computers are "grabbing material and tucking it away in little pigeonholes... The user has no idea that the data is out there." Thought you'd done away with that offending computer file? Better think again..."


"....EnCase allows you to conduct a powerful, yet completely non-invasive search of any number of hard drives or computer disks in one pass...."

All customers please note: We have this Encase police software. Evidence Eliminator™ defeats it completely. In our tests, Evidence Eliminator™ destroys extra evidence from the hard drive that EnCase cannot even see!

According to the Los Angeles Times 20th October 2000, EnCase

"Got its first big contract, a $50,000 order from the Secret Service, in 1998. It has since been adopted by dozens of law-enforcement agencies, from the Customs Service to the Los Angeles Police Department....  Its growing list of corporate clients includes Disney, Bank of America, Coca-Cola and Philip Morris."

  • Throughout the years 1999 and 2000 this Encase police software was freely downloadable. We have a copy of EnCase software and Evidence Eliminator™ defeats it 100%.

  • This is a standard American police tool. Before Evidence Eliminator™ technology was available, EnCase was available free (but no more) from their home page at the "download/upgrade" link. Cops could be seen chatting on the EnCase message boards asking each other for help after seizing computers on which EE had been used.

  • New Encase download location discovered (December 2000) Click Here for the functional evaluation of Encase to test your hard drive for clean status. Note: This location may not last .... visit quickly for your copy!

Vogon Forensic Services

".... experts in all areas of forensic computing, the science of extracting data so that it can be presented as evidence in a Court of Law. Evidence must not be damaged, destroyed or otherwise compromised by procedures used to investigate the computer, otherwise it may be rendered inadmissible...."

Digital Intelligence, Inc

"....FRED.... (F)orensic (R)ecovery of (E)vidence (D)evice.... roll FRED directly into a crime scene or use it in the lab to acquire data from seized equipment, all you have to do is remove the hard drive(s) from the suspect equipment and plug them into FRED...." (these forensic products sell for over $7000)

Assorted forensic links. Links to this site 07APR00, says: "Get Evidence Eliminator Software (Caution)"

Network International

"....However, unlike traditional evidence, where tampering can be detected, with computer evidence it is possible for the unscrupulous to alter and leave little or no trace...."

Computer Forensics

"....Computer Forensics Ltd offers a complete solution, from the initial call to the final court case presentation, with a package of full support...."

WestPark Investigations

"....Forensic Computer Examinations are complete, professional, controlled, and documented examinations of computers and associated storage media for data that may be of interest...."

Expert Witness 2000

"....Expert Witness 2000TM is a complete forensic environment which has been designed to support the Legal and Law Enforcement communities....storing large amounts of evidence...."


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